Amy and I have a sweet, sweet doggie. And it is very interesting and telling how he is with us.
A little background---he was groomed and crate trained and a very good doggie with a collar but no tag when he showed up on our mom's front porch. Thinking about that now is so unbelievable. Our little Murph man out in the great big world all on his own. Neighbors coming together, posting signs, checking petfinders...nothing turned up on our little homeless doggie. Amy went down to pick him up and had him for 2 weeks before I met him. Amy is his master, and she would be even if I had picked him up and known him first. She has that gift. He immediately had separation anxiety from her. Not good, but I won't go there!!!
It is better now, but he LOVES his Amy. He protects her (by barking) from noises I make such as walking up the stairs to go to my room...or stepping out of my bed in the morning...or turning on the water in my bathroom. However, he does NOT E.V.E.R. bark at Amy in protection of me. What a rascal. I tell him I was there before he was, but he doesn't hear me. :)
Amy and I think he is from a big city and may have lived in a high rise. He sits up high on our stairs...eye level with the top of the front door to look out, and he didn't like to go out into the yard at all when we got him. He will sit on the covered porch while you are out in the yard! And, he still prefers to be walked, on the l e a s h. We have to spell it, or he will go bonkers with excitement. If you say the word "go' in conversation, he may get all excited and start happily barking and wanting to be picked up. And, he likes to be carried on the hip like a baby, which I sometimes forget is not a standard dog quality.
He has allergies. I guess he fits right in with us.
And he licks the bottom of his feet. And he will lick them raw. So, we, of course, as loving parents, fuss at him about this. And the other day, I heard him and walked over to the bed to tell him to stop, and he played opossum. Seriously? Yes. He is s.m.a.r.t. and a big ole sweet mess. He likes our herb garden and often smells like herbs from doing whatever he does, shy of rolling around in it...and lately he helps himself to herb garden snacks.
I love him, love him, love him. And he loves me. But he loves, loves, loves Amy. She has always had this affect on animals. My sweet sister who asked for a horse every year for Christmas and wanted to be a vet when she was a little one, Amy.
Amy takes great care of him. I take care of him, schmare of him. You know what I mean? She has the touch. He kind of demands a lot of me!! and doesn't listen to me so much. Yeah, not really. He totally cooperates with her. He knows I will usually give him what he wants, (which Amy does too), but that doesn't mean he will love me any more. He listens to Amy and she is his boss, his mama.
He knows what the word "work" means...and he does not like it.
And, he is not too fond of suitcases either.
He brings a lot of love to our home.
We wonder if someone is looking for him. And we talked about it last weekend. We would love to know who he is and where he came from and what his story is. But in unison, we both thought to ourselves that we would NOT give him back! Now we can't bear to think about life without him either.
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